Finish products
Rose and Honey TeaCatalog
Rose oil capsules LIGHT FORMULA
Rose Oil 1 grams
Rose Oil 2 grams
Rose Oil 5 grams
Rose Oil 20 grams
Face Cream Alia with Rose oil
Face Cream Alia with lavender oil
Rose water
Lavender water
Rose and Lavender Water
Soaps rose/white
Honey with rose petals
Dolls with rose essence
Rose oil capsules
Aromatherapy boxes
Hand cream Alia
Rose Jam
Toothpaste with Rose Water
Toothpaste with Lavender Water
Hand Sanitizer
The most beautiful flowers of the oil-bearing Rose Damascena, selected for an aromatic and healing tea. Rose tea has antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
Extremely rich in antioxidants that have a beneficial and rejuvenating effect on the skin. Improves immunity and supports the regenerative functions of the body, has a strong detoxifying effect.